Oh yeah. Badges are coming in and getting tested. We’re three weeks away from QuahogCon now, so it’s time to release some details about the badge and the development environment to give you all a chance to get setup before you come to the con. Check out the Contests page for all the details on the badge […]
Mitch Altman and Jimmie P. Rodgers in the Hardware Hacking Lounge
We’re super excited to let you all know that Mitch Altman and Jimmie P. Rodgers will be at QuahogCon giving workshops in the Hardware Hacking Lounge. Whether you’re a soldering newbie or an experienced hardware hacker, Mitch and Jimmie will be there all weekend to help you out with whatever you’re working on. They’ll also […]
Matthew Borgatti to give closing keynote
We’ve really scored an excellent speaker to close the conference out. Matthew Borgatti is a hacker, builder and designer who specializes in mechanisms and manufacturing. He’s built monsters for movies ranging from Snakes on a Plane to Aliens Vs. Predator II. He’s built stop motion sets for the Simpsons. He’s worked on giant metal slabs […]
Windows File Pseudonyms – Strange filenames and haiku
Dan Crowley In Windows systems, path and filename normalization routines have some interesting quirks. One file can be referred to with many different filepaths; some are well known, and some are not. The lesser known ways to refer to files are not often considered when designing security mechanisms. By referring to files in these strange […]
Art to Part – Using tech like 3d printing, rapid prototyping, cnc machining, and computational design to make digital plans into physical parts
Matthew Borgatti You’ve heard about Makerbot which can print 3d parts in plastic filament, but how about PolyJet, which can print flexible rubber parts from nearly any 3d file? How about printing in steel, clear plastic, fully colored resin, and ceramic? In this talk I’m going to go over some of the developments that have […]
The Little Microcontroller That Can: Awesome uses for the Atmel ATTiny45
Noah Bedford and Peter Schmidt-Neilsen An overview of the basics of the ATtiny45 microcontroller and its applications, including RFID tags, audio players, buttons, LEDs, etc Noah Bedford and Peter Schmidt-Neilsen were home-schooled and are currently at the AS220 Fab Academy. Peter has a background in programming of various types and Noah has a background in […]
The making of a Maker TV show. A Scrapheap Tribute to Isembard Kingdom Brunel
Core Security Technologies signs on as a sponsor
We’re excited to announce that Core Security has joined on as a QuahogCon sponsor. Core’s pen-testing tools are some of the best in the industry. They also are fantastic about supporting the Con scene. They’ll be setting up a table at QuahogCon, so be sure to stop by and check them out and thank them […]
QuahogCon is officially sold out!
Check out all the Contests and Activities!
We’ve got a bunch of contests and activities going on at QuahogCon to keep you busy when you’re not going to talks and all night too. You want to check out the Contests and Activities page for all the details on: Badge Hacking Contest Hardware Hacking Lounge Hacker Jeopardy Crypto Puzzle Contest Alpha One Labs Arduino Hacking […]