Reliable work of the website can be ensured only with stable and reliable hosting services. And if regular hosting is suitable for business card sites and similar analogs, then for a modern, fully-functional website, portal, online store, you need much more features and resources. In this case, you need to consider renting a VPS or a dedicated server. You can purchase such a server here In order to choose one of the services, you need to have maximum knowledge of the capabilities of virtual private servers and virtualization.
To create various Internet projects, high-quality hosting is required, which will ensure uninterrupted operation of the entire system and allow maintaining the project up to date. VPS KVM technology provides such an opportunity for everyone to develop their projects on the Internet. Separately, it is worth noting that a lot depends on the server virtualization system, both in terms of configuration, and in terms of usability. Now, the bulk of the market is shared by several systems for server virtualization, we will consider each of them individually and list the main advantages and disadvantages.

Easy enough to use, it makes it possible to reinstall the OS or its components in a few clicks. The main advantages are the speed and low cost of renting a VPS compared to other types of virtualization. But with all the attractiveness, there is one significant drawback of such systems – the possibility of overselling. This technique is often used by unscrupulous hosting providers, thus selling more resources than they actually are. For this reason, many refuse such a virtualization system.
Xen and VPS KVM
More reliable and convenient are servers based on Xen and VPS KVM technologies; they fully reserve the amount of virtual server resources. VDS KVM – in fact, is a more advanced version of Xen, and combines all its advantages, while possessing significantly expanded functionality. Since the KVM virtualization system is relatively new, it is constantly being developed and supported by developers. Among other things, the system supports guest OS, which can be created as needed by specifying the desired access rights and permissions.

Hyper V
The youngest virtualization system from the list of the most popular. Used to administer Windows-based servers. Due to the fact that servers on this OS are not particularly popular due to a number of common vulnerabilities, this virtualization system cannot compete in popularity with free and device-independent systems for Unix family OS. If you need a reliable virtualization system, then the most acceptable solution would be VPS KVM. It will ensure the reliable operation of Internet projects with the most efficient use of resources. Among other things, it is worth mentioning that KVM technology is actively focused on the introduction of cloud technologies, which, according to many, are the future.
The main advantages of KVM are:
- hardware independence;
- active developer support;
- access to all server components;
- root privileges;
- an extensive community around the world, actively developing the capabilities of the virtualization system.
Virtual Private Server (VPS) Features
VPS is a virtual machine, which contains all the necessary tools for the quality of your site. When using this service, the site owner will have a wide selection of administration tools, including the ability to reinstall the operating system. The cost of VPS is relatively small, but you need to remember that on a single server there can be a fairly large number of such virtual machines. In rare cases, VPS can “suffer” from its neighbors.