

QuahogCon is a regional conference for the hacker culture in all forms. Hardware, Software, Security, Social, Eco Hacking, Zero Impact Living. Like most hacker cons, it will run Friday to Sunday. We’ll have two tracks: one for InfoSec topics and the other track will be a mix of all the other topics with a bit of an emphasis on hardware hacking and DIY electronics. Besides our perennial InfoSec favorites, we want to hear from some new voices on a wider range of topics. If it’s a good hack, we want to hear what you’re doing.

Hardware Hacking Lounge

Along with the two talk tracks, we’ll have a hardware hacking lounge where you can work on the hackable badge or anything else you’re inspired to do. While we all have the utmost respect for Joe Grand, his badges aren’t as hackable as we’d like. We’ll be going with an open source, open hardware platform for the QuahogCon badge.

Small and Local

Seeing as we’ve never done this before, we’re going to start out small. We’re shooting for about 150 attendees for this first go around. Honestly, we’ll be thrilled if that many people show up. However, we think we’ve got a good chance of pulling this off. It’s hella easy to get to PVD. All you folks in Boston, NYC, Philly, DC: take the train here and check out all Providence has to offer.

A Mission

If we manage not to completely lose our shirts on this, we’ll be donating a significant portion of the proceeds to AS220 Labs in support of their FabLab initiative. They’re building the hackerspace we wanted, so we totally need to support that.


QuahogCon is brought to you by DC401 in association with AS220. Since our mission is to raise funds for the FabLab, it made sense to partner up with AS220. In doing so, all Sponsor contributions will be tax-deductable.